A ingrata vida de escritor

Um escritor diz o que sente, aquilo que pensa. Demonstra sua contradição, deixa seu sangue, expõe suas veias. O leitor lê aquilo que gosta. O que nos move à leitura senão o prazer? O leitor se…


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— Surrender to non-resistance and the problem will reconcile —

How can we solve those sticky STINKY problems that just won’t reconcile? They seem to stick to us and cling for dear life, and then they smell up everything in our environment when we’re trying to create something amazing and beautiful!

Center yourself in non-resistance so that solutions can reveal themselves

We may not realize that our ego has us in a game of role-playing, setting us up with defenses and negative emotions that we simply don’t need. All that does is stick us to the problem like GLUE.

But there’s a secret to that may just be the single MOST IMPORTANT ingredient in creating success and abundance: Nonresistance.

Nonresistance streamlines the pathway to success. But it doesn’t mean “doing nothing”. It means that we aren’t reacting and responding to anything around us … no matter what happens. We’re in a state of intense presence. We’re in the moment. We’re SO spiritually centered that ego-thinking CAN’T pull us off-center when things go wrong.

What’s even more cool? We’re in “invulnerability” which means we’re incapable of being hurt. But how can this be? How can we not be wounded if our Ego isn’t there to be a warrior and protect us?

Curious how to deploy nonresistance without being perceived as a doormat? Then check out today’s episode!

This episode is for you if you wonder:

These are spiritual lessons with a practical edge. You can also listen in for the short exercise that’s designed to help you implement this week’s topic.

If you’re someone who has the audacity … the willingness to take bold risks … then you can use the powers of alchemy to transform challenges into positive new successes starting today!


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