Wrapping Up

Software delivers its value in production. The development project, testing, integration, and planning…everything before production is prelude. This book deals with life in production, from the…


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The economic impact of the Ravencoin asset layer

Many volunteers have donated their time and energy to work on Ravencoin. Not only by writing code for first and second layer solutions, but also to test (new) features, mining main & test net, promoting Ravencoin, moderating community channels, and sharing thoughts and ideas. With this work, we all hope that our efforts are useful to others.

The asset layer of Ravencoin went live on November 5th, 2018. Since then, 25,000 assets have been issued on the chain. These assets have different use cases and were all created by burning RVN, the native currency on the Ravencoin blockchain.

These assets are created for many purposes. Many are for testing and for fun, but an increasing number of these assets are used for real world applications ranging from projects of small artists to large security token offerings. With the increasing use of Ravencoin, the tokenized value on the chain is also increasing steadily. As it is not always obvious who is using the chain and how much value is being tokenized on the Ravencoin asset layer, I reached out to several project managers and asked them how much value they tokenized or will tokenize on Ravenoin to estimate the economic impact of the Ravencoin asset layer.

STO: Security Token Offering
ST: Security Token
NFT: Non-fungible Token

This is only a small selection of the 25,000 Ravencoin assets. There are many projects, and a number of projects is still on its way. In addition, it is very important to note that the Ravencoin asset layer can be used by anyone, no matter the size of the project. It is permissionless and censorship resistant. If you like to try it out, you can always start on testnet to experiment with your ideas for free.

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