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Make Your Own Puzzle Feeders For Your Cat

Have you decided to use a puzzle feeder for your cat? Good for you. This product is beneficial in keeping your pet mentally and physically stimulated. There are numerous types of puzzle feeders in the market. You can choose the best one that suits your cat’s preference, lifestyle, ability, and needs.

But if you want to get more creative and personal, you may create your puzzle feeder for your beloved feline. Experts’ pieces of advice on using puzzle feeders are listed below:

· You may place small puzzle feeders inside a larger one.

· You may place additional dry food items inside the feeder.

· If you have a budget to spare, you may try varied types of feeders to identify which one works best for your pet.

Some of the benefits of using puzzle feeders are as follows:

· They provide cats with entertaining and enriching means of consuming food.

· They allow cats to display their innate natural hunting behavior.

· They serve as a means for cats to exercise their minds and bodies.

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